About Us

Future Young Leaders is an Organization committed towards empowering World Leaders.

We have a very dynamic Board of Directors representing different regions of the world.

This organization will inculcate a Scientific & Engineering temperament within both developed and developing economies. It will potentially be a platform to harness innovation, be an incubator to investigate & support new frontiers of research, and observe how new scientist & entrepreneurs develop and market R&D intensive products.

Our Mission

Nurture and harness Young Scholars between the age group 25 to 45 and contribute concretely to the Scientific & Engineering communities worldwide !

Our Team

Dr. Javier Garcia Martinez


Nanotechnology Lab, University of Alicante, Spain and Founder of Rive Technology, Boston, United States

Dr. Garcia is Advisor to the Program.

Dr.Rakesh Kumar

Director, Scientist & Head of National Environmental and Engineering Research Institute, CSIR Zonal Center, Mumbai. Ph.D. MTech, IIT Bombay, Environment Science & Engineering.

Dr. Oswaldo Lucon

Author of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Working for the Sao Paulo Environment Agency (Brazil), lectured in the Universities of São Paulo and of Texas at Austin.

Dr. Arnold Angelo Mushongi

Program Leader, National Maize Breeding Program, Tanzania, Africa

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Prof. Morakinyo OluFemi

Professor at University of Lagos, Nigeria, Africa

Kyle Gracey
Kyle Gracey

Chairman at SustainUS, United States, North America see’s the bigger picture and hidden connections. is interim Communications Manager, Global Footprint Network, Director – Board of Directors for Truman Scholars Association; Vice President and Secretary for Student Pugwash USA; Chair & Director – Board of Directors for SustainUS; Energy, Climate & Rio+20 Fellow for Worldwatch Institute.

Shannon Kindornay profile photo
Shannon Kindornay

She leads The North-South Institute’s work on development cooperation for its Governance for Equitable Growth program. Her research focuses on development cooperation, governance of the international aid architecture, aid effectiveness, and aid and the private sector. She is the co-editor of a recently released edited volume, Multilateral Development Cooperation in a Changing Global Order (Palgrave Macmillan, 2013). Prior to joining NSI, she worked on human rights, governance, and trade and development.

Naseemah Mohamed
Naseemah Mohammed

Naseemah is currently the Rhodes Scholar @ Oxford University and has completed her Bachelor’s degree, from Harvard University in Social Studies/ African Studies Joint. She is the founder of Zilolonge Arts Literacy Project and has implemented and assessed an arts-literacy project in an impoverished high-school in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. After training six high-school teachers how to teach literature through the arts, I ran a controlled study in a high school on the effects of the pedagogical method in relation to student; reading engagement and critical thinking, student motivation to learn.

Joan Baker

Executive Producer, Society Of Voice Arts And Sciences, Broadway.

She is a Power Player, Author “Secrets of Voice-Over Success”, columnist for Backstage Magazine’s Voiceover Exchange, National Spokesperson for Neumann Microphones , voiceover artist, voiceover coach/teacher,SVP of Public Relations for Push Creative Advertising, co-creator of That’s Voiceover! And most recently founder of The Voiceover Arts Award.

Swati Save

Dr. Swati Save, is a leader fostering use of Science for Sustainability & Healthcare Development. She is trained in Science Public Policy and as Scientist in Natural Product Chemistry. She has fostered internationally, the use of science & engineering in addressing human development. She is the honorary editor of MOSAICQUE magazine and honorary founder of the Future Young Leader’s initiative.

Her first book “My Dreams Are Not For Sale” is an inspirational, literary masterpiece, an humble contribution to the world. The author tries to share her profound experiences in order to achieve her goals in life! An eyeopening, non-fiction, motivational genre book, allows one to understand the virtues behind living the life to its fullest. The book discusses different facets of life vis-a-vis author’s insights on breakthroughs,breakdowns, love, making the right choices, and commitment! Book is sold across United States in Barnes & Noble’s bookstores.