Featured Young Leaders
Young Leaders featured in MOSAICQUE ezine in 2011 – 2012, Please join us in our first anniversary celebrations.
January Edition
North America Joan Baker & Rudy Gaskins, Senior Vice President & Founder, Push Creative Advertising, New York, United States
Europe Melanie Giard, World Water Council, Paris, France
Africa Andrew Muir, Executive Director, Wilderness Foundation, South Africa
Latin America/ Caribean Islands Joseph R. Miller Molina, Island Bay Trust Fund, Honduras
April Edition:
North America Simon Sinek, Start with Why?United States Dr. Hari Shroff, NIH, Chief and Investigator, High Resolution Optical Imaging
Africa Mark Kaigwa, Kenya; Mobile Web availability,
Latin America Giderclay Zeballos, IBM Brasil
Europe: Anab Jain, Superflux, TED Fellow, London
July Edition:
North America Educardo Vasquez, HARBOR Intelligence, Mexico Dr. Kartik Srinivasan, NIST, Project Leader in the Nanofabrication Research Group, United States
Europe: Prof. Henrich Greve, INSEAD, Professor of Entreprenuership and Innovation, Norway/ Singapore
Africa: Gloria Kaneza, Miss Burundi, Burundi Girls Guide
October edition
Unleashed by Onlish