Causing the Extraordinary

Bea Benkova,
CEO & Founder
The Global Institute for Extraordinary Women
London-Bratislava-Prague-Sao Paulo

“I did not know it was impossible so I simply went and did it” says the powerful Bea Benkova CEO & FOUNDER of Global Institute for Extraordinary Women (GIFEW), who is standing for the transformation of humanity through the aligned power of extraordinary women. (

As with most things, it takes one person to see the vision and shine the message to the world. It takes many more to make it a reality. So, now it is not only about me anymore.

Today, as the founder and CEO, Bea is excited to introduce you to the Global Institute for Extraordinary Women (GIFEW) through her in-depth interview of her five year odyssey to develop the organization of her dreams, into a magnificent reality. GIFEW’s promise is that every woman lives a fulfilled life and makes a difference in the world.

What inspired you to start GIFEW? How are you getting support in moving things forward?
It was more of a desire and need to create a platform for women I have been connected with for last 5 years, working with them empowering & collaborating could have a place to be, could have a home. So it was almost a question of what am I going to do with all these women that vibrate with such high power, who are really inspired by the vision of the constellation, they want to make a difference, they want to collaborate. I thought, what am I going to do with all these brilliance, where they can all lead in the world. So it was almost a painful desire, to create GIFEW because everyone was connecting to me and I knew I am the voice of a vision. I sourced it from Rainforest.

GIFEW is about being a global field – a company, an organization, inside which any women who wants to make a difference will integrate, collaborate and create synergies with us and in return we bring it to their lives, their communities and to the world as well as bring harmony with men. All these women will align the power – to exist, to collaborate, to create new synergies to co-create a new collaborative culture.

How are you getting support, are you having enough support to move things forward to take things to different level?

It’s an ongoing process – it’s a journey starting from the centre. I can feel the momentum happening. GIFEW is a global field starting and it’s a multidimensional resonance field. So the more we can tune in to one another, calibrate, and create resonance faster I can see the movement happening and the field growing. We are not into networking, GIFEW is into field working. Each woman inside GIFEW will be working to integrate, to train her, to collaborate, to create synergies, to ignite the fusion process, to become a star, & then collaborate with others. This creates resonance. We are developing synergies to create stars.

Have you presented this idea to different partners such as government agencies or NGOs or women organizations, or universities who are interested in partnering with you now?

GIFEW was launched in December 2012, focused on working w/ women and distinguishing our methodology and program. The first program we have launched is the Global Femina Fusion Foundation Certificate– that is the fundamental. We are distinguishing and Femina Fusion program – it’s about creating partnerships and women are becoming the vortexes creating positive energies. We are in conversation with women partners to create synergies. In GIFEW, women participate and undergo the fusion process- that means they enter the world of collaborative process & synergies.

At this moment, GIFEW has launched 3 programs and we are in the process of collecting stories, and testimonials of the real success. We are currently in the phase of launching partnerships and creating collaborations with women networks, and women, who are becoming vortexes within their field. We in turn take them through the fusion process so that they are ignited. We train these women in our 3 tier program – each tier representing a star, a constellation –an awakening star, a rising star and a shining star.

GIFEW takes women through the spectrum to increase their power – to shine in a very integrative way. We are now in conversations with organizations & partners to collaborate with us to bring our education to their organizations, to increase the level of their integration of the women in mainstream.

In regards to your participation in GIFEW, what have you learned about the challenges and barriers women face in order to shine their light, or break the ceiling or cross the boundaries. How have you learned, or what have you learned about your journey thus far?

I have learned from my experiences, and thro’ working for last five years with women from all parts of the world, all parts of society, different cultures & religions and really getting it clear that all women have the same issues everywhere in the world. These experiences might differ depending upon the culture they are conditioned into & their past. But, generally all women have same issues. That’s why the name Global in our organization and to address that most women don’t consider themselves to be extraordinary.

For me, being extraordinary is not just being talented – we all are born with specific gifts, we are all born with a purpose & a message. Therefore, I believe it’s our responsibility and duty to unlock & discover our gifts for the service of the people and create synergies to find the unique place in the world. That’s the purpose of GIFEW.

Do women get victimized or beaten up by powerful ambitious men who like to control women – would you agree to that?
It depends how these women vibrate in the world. I believe it’s not easy & natural for women to take leadership. There is a lot of male energy or dominations in different cultures, and traditions, and women lose their power & feminity to these energies. And, this is where GIFEW come’s into picture – to create a global playing field for women, where we believe there feminine qualities will be nurtured and harnessed, to shine like a star – it will be a place where they can be totally themselves, and will be called into action to be extraordinary to be of service for themselves, for the community and for the world.

Would you agree that there are some nasty women out there, who use their sex or gender as a trump card to manipulate & abuse men & people’s trust, that impacts how world looks at honest, sincere ambitious women & their participation in the world?
I believe people behave differently – it all depends on the level of consciousness women have, and the values they hold. Of course, if one behaves irresponsibly there is an impact on the community & the listening of that person. But if you focus on what you want to create and bringing forth a new reality, you will notice that your whole field will shift.

There are some women who abuse being a woman, would you agree?
I would say simply, that when women don’t honour who they are they allow themselves to get abused & find amusement in it. The moment they recognize there power – she will stand for herself, not allowing to be made belittle & follow her purpose for life by unlocking their gifts. In my experience it’s all about owning who you are and being of service to the community. It’s all about being vital, happy and joyous.

Does speaking in the listening of others always help a woman?
Not necessary! For me it took five years for people to understand what GIFEW is and its purpose. It has been a step by step process. I have been really listening as to who is resonating with my purpose, who is vibrating at my level, who is aligning with my intentions and would collaborate with me and build the resonance field & synergies.

GIFEW is really about honoring the women how powerful she is, how sacred she is and honoring herself. Femina fusion work is about worshipping the sacredness of being a woman.

Say something about Femina Fusion program – how many women participated, what was there experience?
Here’s the story behind the design of Femina Fusion program – fundamental decision behind our programs was that all GIFEW Certificate programs will be group programs. So someone can’t buy this program and do it on its own.

I believe that the world doesn’t need more successful individuals; it needs more collaborating communities and synergies. All our programs are journeys, they start on Mondays and continue till the participants gets results.

We generally take 150 Diverse Women participants from around the world and we make them go through the experience of the fusion process. These women come from different walks of life, different expertise, and different traditions.

In astronomy, inside the fusion process a star is born – the nebola starts contracting, to the point that it ignites the fusion process. This is exactly what happens inside our Femina Fusion program – we take all the participants through 3 fundamentals of ecologies, you & you, you & others, you and the world at one time, in one place. We take them first for six weeks training – a multimedia coursework. GIFEW has been designed as a virtual coursework, so that any women can take these courses anywhere in the world.

GIFEW is a platform that grounds the vision, opening a field for everyone, women and men, who resonates with the Institute and wants to contribute to the vision creating together the NEW CULTURE of collaboration. It believes that together we can create synergies and as a result, have a larger impact, as one plus one is much more than two. GIFEW is committed to transforming humanity through the aligned power of Extraordinary Women.

They are co-creating a new culture of collaboration where men and women operate harmoniously at an entirely new level. GIFEW believes that the female energy is the access to this new culture. Their transformational educational programs are based on The Authentic & Integrated Women’s Leadership Model that are created based on robust research. Connections and collaborations are powerfully enhanced in their programs.
If this vision resonates with yours we invite you to join our GLOBAL webinars to learn more about GIFEW and our foundation program Femina Fusion Foundation Certificate.

What is the price of this program – how do you price it?
We decided at the beginning that we will not go from country to country, but we designed our education in a way that has best system and best technology around the world. We sourced ourselves through the Atlantic Rainforest. GIFEW is based on the Atlantic rainforest geometry, which is the biggest rainforest in the world. The programs are live coaching webinars with me, where I coach individual women and show them how we can start collaborating & create synergies accelerating their purpose with other women participants, lifting the whole group up in a synergistic way.

So the price of the Femina Fusion Foundation Certificate program is 497 euro’s – it is a modern, fast and powerful 6 week multi-media program that you can access from the comfort of your own home, anytime and anywhere. This program provides clarity on your unique path, and determines what your next steps might be. Throughout the sessions, you will understand how to work on yourself and see immediate results in your life through playbooks, through transcripts, through live webinars and thro’ a facebook secret group – where they have the integrated immersing experience out of their participation in this program. The Femina Fusion program is a 3-step journey where you will transform your relationship with yourself, others and the world, and find that fire inside you so you can shine bright.

GIFEW recognize’s that part of power is emphasizing what everyone agrees upon, accept¬ing other views, so you can create a comfort zone of respect and inflict more influ¬ence everywhere you go. Hence, the programs are designed to awaken women and accelerate their personal growth so they may find their unique place in the world. The Femina Fusion Foundation Program, in particular does this in a six week journey to decode the extraordinary Woman inside You.
In the meantime please consider exploring their website and join our partnership program

What is the outcome – from each woman that participates in this program? What’s your expectation from these women?
I have seen these women they are excited, they are clear of what their gifts are, they become aware of their vitality, they are ready to create teams, be in charge of their life by being empowered by creating synergies, collaboration and ready to contribute in their families and communities, developing powerful listening in the world, developing their character. This will help them to go to the next level of contribution in the world.

The Global Institute for Extraordinary Women is a space—both virtual and physi¬cal—for women to meet and be empowered. We believe in the importance of con¬nection, which is portrayed as our “Constellation” where such women gather to de¬velop and apply individual insight and experiences.

We would be very happy if you choose to join us to find your unique place contributing to the vision and creating synergies together.

GIFEW’s, unique approach is backed by their own robust research conducted at Harvard Business School. Over 150 of the world’s women leaders were surveyed, with de¬tailed statistical analysis that included a broad cross-section of leadership styles. This research covered organisational development, neuroscience, evolutionary bi¬ology, gender studies and positive psychology.

Through this survey GIFEW, analyzed correlations between the factors linked to success, fulfilment and making a difference by the women in the community. The facts gathered from this study have led them to a simple conclusion: Yes, you can. Thus, their Integrated Female Leadership Model was created to help women inte¬grate all aspects of their lives. Instead of merely providing tips on how to succeed in the current world, their model is specially designed to build a new culture where women can thrive and be entitled to a fulfilled life.

Testimonials such as the following have been heard all times, “My CEO can be really critical,” said Liz, a senior consultant, “but that’s the way things work. If I complain, my job is history.”
Risha, a home entrepreneur, is perpetually exhausted: “It’s difficult to care for my¬self,” she admitted, “but someone has to be there for my husband and children.”

They may not sound like anything, but it is a sign of powerlessness and a lack of fulfilment. If we continuously believe in them, such statements can deepen our emotional pits and prevent us from realizing our true potential.

Truth is women who have found their unique place in the world often realize that they don’t know how to expand their ideas and create a significant impact through mobilizing others. Are you in this position today? This is where GIFEW comes into picture to manifest and harness your passion. All you have to do is follow your PASSION with persistence, and use courage to weave a strong web of connections. And this “web” is what we at GIFEW truly en¬courages.

Share about your book. How it impacted you empowering woman, and making a difference in their lives?
Life is Now – 21 Days with Bea Benkova is a book – an interview with Bea, in which the journalist Jaroslava Timkova uncovers not only her private life, but also delves deep inside. It tracks her evolution from childhood, through her successful career as a banker in London, to today’s work as an ambassador and coach of Extraordinary Women. She was brought to this work inspired by unconditional love of her mother. The experience forced her to fully realize that Life is Now!

Bea believes that when we postpone anything significant for another time, it is as though we put aside our entire lives. From the stories of her clients, and from her own experience, Bea Benkova has extracted a series of anecdotes, inspirations and techniques for personal growth and relationship building. The book is written in a welcoming light style, bringing the readers inspiration and guidance on how to live a successful, happy and fulfilled life.

Profile: Bea Benkova, the founder and CEO of GIFEW, worked in international finance sector. Having studied at Oxford and holding degrees in finance and economics from the UK and her native Slovakia, Bea was raised from an early age to be successful and be the best. She held senior positions in the City of London at ABN AMRO and the Royal Bank of Scotland.