Young Women Scientists – A Brig...


Young Women Scientists – A Bright Future for the Americas
posted on: Mar 17, 2016

Young Women Scientist – A brigh...

So this book was produced by Inter-American Network of Academies of Sciences and represents the Academies of Sciences...

posted on: Mar 17, 2016

Empowering Next Generation of Creativ...

Lisa Ring, Director – Global Recruitment THNK School of Creative Leadership, Amsterdam, Netherlands “How can...

posted on: Mar 15, 2016

Empowering Next Generation of Creativ...

Profile: Lisa Ring Lisa currently leads the global recruitment function on behalf of THNK Amsterdam which she...

Empowering Next Generation of Creative Leaders to  Change the World:  The THNK Way
posted on: Mar 15, 2016

Sasol Solar Challenge 2016…From...

Founder of the Sasol Solar Challenge, Winstone Jordaan, had the idea of building an electric car in 2003. After...

posted on: Mar 11, 2016